
L298 Motor Driver Module

The module with the popular L298N driver allows you to control the direction and speed of two DC motors.

80.00 EGP

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The module with the popular L298N driver IC allows you to control the direction and speed of two DC motors. Thanks to the screw connectors, ARK power and engines can be easily connected by fastening the wires using a screwdriver. The control signals were output into popular gold pin connectors that allow you to combine the system with commissioning plates, for example, with Arduino using wires.

+12VThe voltage of the motor’s power supply.
+5VThe power of the theological part with the regulator – is active after you remove the jumper 5V.
 GNDThe weight of the system
The channel outputs of engine A.
OUT3, OUT4The channel outputs of engine B.
ENAPWM signal to control the rotational speed of the engine A. By default, it is connected to 5 V by jumper -which means that the engine works with the maximum speed.
IN1, IN2Control of channel A direction
ENBPWM signal to control the rotation speed of motor B. By default, connected to the 5 V by jumper – it means that the engine works with maximum speed.
IN3, IN4Direction control of channel B
The truth table of driver L298
high statelow stateThe motor rotates with the maximum given speed using PWM (different from 0) in a clockwise direction.
low statehigh stateThe motor rotates at the maximum given speed using PWM (not equal to 0) in a counterclockwise direction.
low statelow stateWhen indicated high state at the PWM input – fast braking of the motors (fast stop).
high statehigh stateWhen indicated high state at the PWM input – fast braking of the motors (fast stop).
high statehigh stateWhen indicated low state at the PWM input – free braking (soft stop).
  • Supply voltage: 12 V
  • Supply voltage of the logic part: 5 V
  • Built-in voltage regulator 5 V to power the logic part with the possibility of disconnection via jumper
  • Maximum output current: 2 A per channel
  • Module to control two DC motors or one stepper motor
  • The outputs for the motors and the power inputs were displayed on the screw connectors ARK
  • The input pins of the logic part are available on the gold pin connectors – 2.54 mm pitch
  • The board consists of all necessary for the proper operation of the controller, passive components
  • The system has a mounted radiator
  • Tile sizes: 43.5 x 43.5 x 26 mm


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