LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, are small electronic components. When current is applied to LEDs, they emit light in various colors, If the current passing through the diode is too high, though, it will damage the LED.
To limit the current passing through the diode, it’s common practice to add a resistor to the circuit, as shown in the image.
Key Features of LED Red 8mm Diffused:
- General purpose LEDs
- Red color (625nm wavelength nominal)
- Large 10mm diameter
- Diffused lens for wide viewing angle
- 20mA max drive current
- Forward voltage drop 2V
Technical Specifications:
Type | Single Color | |
Color | Red | |
Lens | Shape | Circular |
Appearance | Diffused | |
Intensity | Standard brightness | |
Viewing Angle | To Half Brightness | 60 Degrees |
Maximum Ratings | ||
IF | Maximum Forward Current | 20mA |
VF | Maximum Forward Voltage | 2V (Typical) |
Dominant Wavelength | 625nm (Typical) | |
Package Type | Plastic body, 2-lead, through hole |
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