
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with Headers – module ABX00035 (Original Made In ITALY)

1,100.00 EGP

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Description: Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with connectors

The Arduino models in the Nano series are designed to extend the capabilities of small tiles to make their use possible in any project. Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is equipped with an energy-saving and efficientnRF52480 microcontroller capable of operating at 64 MHz. There is space for 1 MB of flash memory and 256 KB of RAM onboard. Additionally, the small board was equipped with a number of sensors, which gives a lot of possibilities. Thanks to this unit, the Nano 33 BLE Sense board is the most energy-efficient representative of the Nano family, despite its dimensions. The board supports Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energystandard

Possibilities of Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense is equipped with an aU-block NINA B306module, managingBluetoothcommunicationin 5.0 LE standard. Onboard the Nano there is a 9-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)LSM9DS1communicating via the I2C bus, which consists of a 3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer. Additionally, the small board is equipped with LPS22HB temperature and pressure sensor, HTS221 humidity sensor, light intensity, colour and gesturesensorADPS-9960. There is also space for the MP34DT05 digital microphone. Additionally, onboard there was also a cryptographic system ATECC608A.



Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense can work ONLY with 3.3V by default. Do not supply it directly with 5 V.


Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sensesupports only 3.3 V by default. There is a jumper in place of the 5V pin in a standard Nano board (between RST and A7 pins) which can be shorted to the USB power supply. To supply 5V power to the devices, solder the jumper and power Nano via USB. If the jumper is soldered and no voltage is obtained from the V in pin. This is a protection to protect the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. The board allows debugging programs, which is done with 6 pads on the bottom of the board underneath the communication system.


The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. Visible jumper for 5V power supply via USB.


2+ 3V3Power outputPower supply for external devices
3AREFAnalogueReference pin can be used as GPIO
4A0 / DAC0AnalogueADC input / DAC output can be used as GPIO
5A1AnalogueADC input can be used as GPIO
6A2AnalogueADC input can be used as GPIO
7A3AnalogueADC input can be used as GPIO
8A4 / SDAAnalogueADC input, I2C SDA, can be used as GPIO*
9A5 / SCLAnalogueThe ADC, I2C SCLinput can be used as GPIO*.
10A6AnalogueADC input can be used as GPIO
11A7AnalogueADC input can be used as GPIO
12V USBI / Wy power supplyNormally not connected. Can be shorted to USB power
13RSTDigital inputActive reset
14GNDPower supplyMass
15VINPower supplyPower supply
16TXDigitalUSART TX can be used as GPIO
17RXDigitalUSART RX can be used as GPIO
18RSTDigitalActive reset
19GNDPower supplyMass
21D3 / PWMDigitalGPIO can be used as GPIO
23D5 / PWMDigitalGPIO can be used as GPIO
24D6 / PWMDigitalGPIO can be used as GPIO
27D9 / PWMDigitalGPIO can be used as GPIO
28D10 / PWMDigitalGPIO can be used as GPIO
29D11 MOSIDigitalSPI MOSI can be used as GPIO
30D12 / MISODigitalSPI MISO can be used as GPIO


(*) Unlike the standard Arduino Nano, the A4 and A5 pins have a default pull-up, the so-called pull-up and are used as I2C bus, so it is not recommended to use them as analogue inputs.

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense PCB specification

  • Supply voltage: 3.3 V
  • Microcontroller: nRF 52840
    • Clock: 64 MHz
    • Flash memory: 1 MB
    • RAM 256 kB
  • Digital pins: 14
  • PWM pins: 6
  • Analogue pins: 8
  • MicroUSB socket
  • Interfaces: GPIO, SPI, I2C, USART, PWM
  • Transducers: ADC, DAC
  • Dimensions: 45 x 18 mm



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