
Atmel AVR Development AtMega32 kit (Eta32)

2,800.00 EGP

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Eta32 kit is an AVR development board designed particularly for students, beginners, and recently graduated engineers to provide easy development of AVR microcontroller projects.

Eta32 Features

Power supply unit

1) Wide input voltage range (12-20V). Also can be powered from the USB port.
2) Fuse 1A for high current protection.
3) Reverse polarity protection.
4) ON/OFF switch.
5) Green LED indicator.


1) ATMEGA32A Microcontroller (44 TQFP package).
2) 16MHz crystal.
3) Reset switch.
4) Two LED indicators for Tx and Rx.
5) Ferrite bead for generating analog VCC.
6) Bypass capacitors on power pins and VREF/GND.


1) 80 characters LCD (4X20) with backlight.
2) 4 Digits (common anode) 7-segment display with BCD decoder 7447.
3) General-purpose indicator LEDs ( Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow ).

Input switches

1) 16 switches configured as 4X4 matrix keypad with pull-up resistors.
2) 4 Switches configured as direct input switches with pull-up resistors.

Serial Communication and wireless modules

1) USB/Serial TTL converter (CH340) for PC communication.
2) UART Communication
a. TTL (Full duplex) pin header.
b. RS232 (MAX232) (Full duplex) standard DB9 female socket.
c. RS485 (MAX487) (Half-duplex) screw terminal.
3) I2C
a. DS1307 RTC (Real Time Clock) with a backup battery.
b. 24C08 Serial EEPROM (1KB).

Analog Inputs/outputs and sensors

1) Two adjustable analog inputs using high-precision multi-turn potentiometers.
2) Temperature sensor LM35 (0oC – 150oC) (0V – 1500mV).
3) Light Dependent Resistor LDR with adjustable sensitivity.
4) Analog output 0-5V (PWM-controlled).


1) Wi-Fi module (ESP-01) with reset switch and LED indicators for IO0 and IO2 ports.
2) IR (Infrared Receiver) sensor.

General Outputs

1) Two output relays (10A) both normally open and normally closed are available with status LED indicators.
2) DC motor control (speed and direction) up to 4A with CW/CCW direction status LED Indicator.
3) Output buzzer.

On-board connections

1) 6-pin header socket ICSP for connecting external programmers.
2) 2X5 JTAG socket for Programming and debugging.
3) All microcontroller I/O pins are brought out via pin header.

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 Package Includes:
  • Eta32 board.
  • L298 Module.
  • CR2032 Battery.
  • USBasp Programmer.
  • USB cable A male/B female type.
  • 12V/1A AC/DC adaptor.
  • ESP-01 Programmer Adaptor
  • ESP-01 Wi-Fi module.
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