The TIC116D is a 400V, 8A thyristor (also known as a Silicon Controlled Rectifier, or SCR) in a TO-220 package. It is commonly used for high-power switching applications, such as in phase control, motor control, and light dimming circuits.
- IGT 20 mA maximum
- high-intensity capability
- High stability and reliability
- high state current
- Applications: HVAC, lighting, consumer electronics, instrumentation and measurement, industrial
Basic information
- Type: SCR
- Maximum Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage: 400V
- RMS turn-on current: 8 A
- Non-repetitive transient current: 80 A
- Gate Peak Power: 5 W
- Minimum operating temperature: -40 °C
- Maximum operating temperature: 110 °C
- Encapsulation: TO-220
- Number of pins: 3
- Motor Speed Control: In variable-speed drives for motors.
- Light Dimming: In light dimmer switches for AC lighting systems.
- Power Supplies: For use in controlling power supplies and voltage regulators.
- Heat Control: For managing heating elements in various appliances.
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