
PIC16F676-I/P 8-Bit Microcontroller IC DIP-14

90.00 EGP

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PIC16F676 is microcontroller from ‘PIC16F’ family and is made by MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY. It is an 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller and is very popular among hobbyists and engineers due its features, cost and small size.

Pin configuration

PIC16F676 is a 14 pin device and many of them can perform multiple functions as shown in above pin diagram. The description for each of these functions is given below.

Pin Function Description
1 VDD Positive Power Supply
2 RA5/T1CKI/OSC1/CLKIN RA5: Pin5 of  Port A

T1CKI: Timer1 external clock input

OSC1:Oscillator pin 1

CLKI: External clock source input

3 RA4/T1G/OSC2/AN3/CLKOUT RA4: Pin4 of  Port A

T1G: Timer1 gate

OSC2: Oscillator pin 2

AN3: Analog input 3

CLKO: Clock source output

4 RA3/MCLR/VPP RA3: Pin3 of  Port A

MCLR: Master Clear Input or Reset pin

VPP: Programming voltage

5 RC5 RC5: Pin5 of  Port C
6 RC4 RC4: Pin4 of  Port C
7 RC3/AN7 RC3: Pin3 of  Port C

AN7: Analog input 7

8 RC2/AN6 RC2: Pin of  Port C2

AN6: Analog input6

9 RC1/AN5 RC1: Pin of  Port C1

AN5: Analog input5

10 RC0/AN4 RC0: Pin of  Port C0

AN4: Analog input4

11 RA2/AN2/COUT/T0CKI/INT RA2: Pin2 of  Port A

AN2: Analog input2

COUT: Comparator output

T0CKI: Timer0 clock input

INT: External Interrupt

12 RA1/AN1/CIN-/VREF/ICSPCLK RA1: Pin1 of  Port A

AN1: Analog input1

CIN-: Comparator input

VREF: External Voltage reference

ICSPCLK: Serial Programming Clock

13 RA0/AN0/CIN+/ICSPDAT RA0: Pin0 of  Port A

AN0: Analog input0

CIN+: Comparator input

ICSPDAT: Serial Programming Data I/O

14 VSS Ground
PIC16F676 Features and Electrical characteristics
CPU 8-bit
Total number of pins 14
Programmable pins 12
Communication Interface ICSP or In-Circuit Serial Programming Interface (13,14 Pins) [Can be used for programming this controller]
ADC Feature 8 channels of 10-bit resolution
Timer Feature One 8-bit counter, One 16-bit counter
PWM channels Not available
Analog Comparator Available-1
External Oscillator Up to 20MHz
Internal Oscillator 4MHz  Internal R-C Oscillator factory calibrated to ±1%
Program memory / Flash memory 2Kbytes[100000 write/erase cycles]
CPU Speed 1MIPS @ 1MHz
RAM 64bytes
EEPROM 128bytes
Watchdog Timer


Available and is featured with Independent

Oscillator for Reliable Operation

Power Save Modes Available
Operating Voltage 2.0V to 5.5V
Maximum current to any I/O pin IN :25mA

OUT : 25mA

Operating Temperature -40°C to +125°C
Maximum current into VDD pin 250mA
PIC16F676 Microcontroller Overview

PIC16F676 is a microcontroller good for learning and experimenting for engineers because it has high flash memory rewrite cycle. The controller has 2KBytes flash memory which is enough for starters to develop basic programs. Also the 12 GPIO are designed for handling 20mA current (LED driving capability) by which beginners can connect peripheral at hand with less caution.

PIC16F676 has very few features and it cannot be used for developing advanced applications. It is used for developing small applications (like display driver) and for developing programs by beginners who want to enter microcontroller platform.

How to use PIC16F676 Microcontroller

Any microcontroller is needed to be programmed before installing in any system or application. So first we need to program the controller PIC16F676.

Entire process of programming PIC16F676 goes like this:

  • First list all the functions to be executed by this controller.
  •  Next write these functions in ‘IDE software’ using ‘C’ language.
  • This IDE software can be downloaded for free on company website.
  • After writing the desired program compile it for error elimination.
  • For a successful compilation IDE application generates HEX file for the written program.
  • Choose the programming device (usually ‘PIC kit 3’ or ‘PIC kit 2’) which establishes communication between PC and PIC16F676.
  • Connect the programming device to microcontroller appropriately.
  • Run the HEX file dumping software which is related to the chosen programming device.
  • Choose the appropriate program HEX file and burn this HEX file in PIC16F676 flash memory.
  • Disconnect the programmer and connect the appropriate peripherals for the controller.

After connecting the power, the controller executes this HEX code saved in the memory (which is written program) and creates response as instructed.

  • Beginner applications
  • Hobbyist projects
  • Display units
  • Development board for learners
  • Embedded systems like scrolling displays and meters
Component Datasheet
PIC16F676 Datasheet


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