
AT89C51 8-Bit Microcontroller DIP-40

85.00 EGP

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Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 P1.0 0th pin of PORT P1
2 P1.1 1st pin of PORT P1
3 P1.2 2nd pin of PORT P1
4 P1.3 3rd pin of PORT P1
5 P1.4 4th pin of PORT P1
6 P1.5 5th pin of PORT P1
7 P1.6 6th pin of PORT P1
8 P1.7 7th pin of PORT P1
9 RST Reset pin of the Microcontroller
10 (RXD) P3.0 0th pin of PORT P3 or Receiver pin of Microcontroller
11 (TXD) P3.1 1st pin of PORT P3 or Transmitter pin of Microcontroller
12 (INT0) P3.2 2nd pin of PORT P3 or External Interrupt 0 of MCU
13 (INT1) P3.3 3rd pin of PORT P3 or External Interrupt 1 of MCU
14 (T0) P3.4 4th pin of PORT P3 or Timer 0 interrupt of MCU
15 (T1) P3.5 5th pin of PORT P3 or Timer 1 interrupt of MCU
16 (WR) P3.6 6th pin of PORT P3 or Write to External data memory pin
17 (RD) P3.7 7th pin of PORT P3 or Read from External data memory pin
18 XTAL2 External crystal pin 2 of Microcontroller
19 XTAL1 External crystal pin 1 of Microcontroller
20 GND Ground pin of MCU
21 P2.0(A8) 0th pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 8 of MCU
22 P2.1(A9) 1st pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 9 of MCU
23 P2.2(A10) 2nd pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 10 of MCU
24 P2.3(A11) 3rd pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 11 of MCU
25 P2.4(A12) 4th pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 12 of MCU
26 P2.5(A13) 5th pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 13 of MCU
27 P2.6(A14) 6th pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 14 of MCU
28 P2.7(A15) 7th pin of PORT P2 or High-order Address bit 15 of MCU
29 PSEN Program store enable pin, Read external program memory
30 ALE/PROG Address Latch Enable/ Program Pulse input for flashing
31 EA/VPP  Access Enable voltage/Program enable voltage
32 P0.7(AD7) 7th pin of PORT P0 or Low-order Address bit 7 of MCU
33 P0.6(AD6) 6th pin of PORT P0 or Low -order Address bit 6 of MCU
34 P0.5(AD5) 6th pin of PORT P0 or Low -order Address bit 5 of MCU
35 P0.4(AD4) 6th pin of PORT P0 or Low -order Address bit 4 of MCU
36 P0.3(AD3) 3rd pin of PORT P0 or Low -order Address bit 3 of MCU
37 P0.2(AD2) 2nd pin of PORT P0 or Low -order Address bit 2 of MCU
38 P0.1(AD1) 1st pin of PORT P0 or Low -order Address bit 1 of MCU
39 P0.0(AD0) 0th pin of PORT P0 or Low -order Address bit 0 of MCU
40 Vcc Supply pin of MCU
Detailed Features
AT89C51 – Detailed Features
CPU 8-bit 8051 family
Architecture 8051
Program Memory Size (Kbytes) 4K Flash
RAM (bytes) 128
Pin Count 40
Max. CPU Speed (MHz) 24
Peripheral Pin select (PPS) No
Internal Oscillator No
No. Of comparators 2
No. Of Operational Amplifier 0
No. Of ADC channels Nil
Max ADC Resolution (bits) NA
ADC with Computation No
Number of DAC Converter 0
Max DAC resolution 0
Internal Voltage Reference NA
Zero Cross Detect No
No. Of 8-bit timers 0
No. Of 16-bit Timers 2
Signal Measurement Timer 0
Hardware Limit Timer 0
No. Of PWM outputs 0
Max PWM resolution NA
Angular Timer No
Math Accelerator No
No. Of UART module 1
No. Of SPI Module 0
No. Of I2C module 0
No. Of USB Module 0
Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT) No
CRC/Scan No
Numerically Controlled Oscillator 0
Cap. Touch Channels NA
Segment LCD 0
Minimum Operating Temperature (*C) -55
Maximum Operating Temperature (*C) 125
Minimum Operating Voltage (V) 4
Maximum Operating Voltage (V) 5.5
High Voltage Capable No

Note: The AT89C51 datasheet of the Microcontroller and more detailed Features can be found at the bottom of this page.

AT89C51 Microcontroller

The AT89C51 is an age old 8-bit microcontroller from the Atmel family. It works with the popular 8051 architecture and hence is used by most beginners till date. It is a 40 pin IC package with 4Kb flash memory. It has four ports and all together provide 32 Programmable GPIO pins. It does not have in-built ADC module and supports only USART communication. Although it can be interfaced with external ADC IC like the ADC084 or the ADC0808.

The AT89C51 is no longer in production and Atmel does not support new design. Instead the new AT89S51 is recommended for new applications. But, since the AT89C51 has a strong community support if your motive is to learn embedded then AT89C51 can still be a good choice.

How to Program the AT89C51 (8051) Microcontroller

Atmel microcontroller can be programmed with different software’s that is available in the market. Arduino, Keil uVision are the most used platforms to name a few. If you are planning on serious programming and expansion with community support then Keil is recommended.

In order to program the Atmel microcontroller we will need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), where the programming takes place. A compiler, where our program gets converted into MCU readable form called HEX files. An IPE (Integrated Programming Environment), which is used to dump our hex file into our MCUs.

IDE: Keil uVision IDE

Programming Hardware: MAX232 with RS232 to USB converter

Programmer: USBASP

To dump or upload our code into Atmel IC we need a programmer, the most commonly used programmer is the USBASP which has to be purchased separately. Also simulating you program on software before trying it on hardware will save a lot of time. So you can use software like ISIS proteus from Labcenter to simulate your programs.

A 8051 (AT89C51) Programming circuit is shown below

AT89C51 Programming Circuit

How to select your Atmel Microcontroller

Microchip provides a vast variety of Microcontrollers from PIC family and Atmel Family. Their collection has just piled up after Microchip has acquired Atmel. Each MCU has its own advantage and disadvantage. There are many parameters that one has to consider before selecting a MCU for his/her project. The below points are just suggestions which might help one to select a MCU.

  • If you are a beginner who is learning Microcontroller then, selecting a MCU that has good online community support and wide applications will be a good choice. For Atmel AT89S52 or ATmega328 will be a good choice.
  • Consider the operating voltage of your system. If they are 5V then select a 5V MCU some sensors or devices work and communicate on 3.3V in such case a 3.3V MCU can be selected
  • If size and price is a limitation then you can choose small 8-pin MCUs like Attiny1614. These are also comparatively cheaper.
  • Based on the sensors and actuators used in your project, verify which modules you might need in for MCU. For example is you are reading many Analog voltages then make sure MCU has enough ADC channels and supportive resolution. The details of all modules are given in the table above.
  • If you project involves communication protocols like UART, SPI ,I2C, CAN etc make sure you MCU can support them. Some MCU can support more than one module of the same protocol
  • Multiple DIY Projects
  • Very good choice if you are learning ATmel
  • Projects requiring Multiple I/O interfaces and communications
  • Replacement for Arduino Module
  • Ideal for more advanced level A/D applications in automotive, industrial, appliances and consumer applications.
AT89C51 Microcontroller Datasheet
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